Wednesday, December 17, 2003

I went to Google (at the behest of a coworker). I entered the words miserable and failure, with quotes. I hit "I'm Feeling Lucky."
Here's the google search page.
Here's what happened when I told it I felt lucky.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

That's actually a parody of another list. How meta. How geek. How personal and relatively unfunny to the masses.
It's also a joke based upon a misheard conversation, based upon an old kinda joke that isn't a joke, exactly. How to explain without explaining?

From the Desk of Satan

Shopping list:
There's an old adage that goes "You Can't Cheat An Honest Man." I, though, don't like nice people 'cause it's so damn hard to cheat them. Grrr...

Monday, December 15, 2003

It's that other Mister, the one who sneaks to the top when I'm tired or feeling the need to be liked, that weirds me out. He's so damn slimy and I know that everyone should hate him and want to shun him, but it never happens like that. I want so very much to be tired, but I don't think it's really an option right now. Maybe if I sleep, I can shut him out.

Friday, December 12, 2003

And by the way, juvenile creepy is so much creepier than adult-y creepy, but I think most of the really nasty creepy stuff that people do to eachother is really juvenile. Adults don't act like that, or rather, people who are adult and have adult views and outlooks don't act like that. Grown-up persons of age advanced beyond 12 do, in fact, act like that, even though they eventually get called adults.
My point: they aren't necessarily adults.
Also, ewww, creepy!
It's so hard sometimes, but I gotta limit this to
ewww, creepy
with no details on a public forum.

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Oh, hey!
Please Note:
I guess it's worth menthioning the following:
1. Point the First
        a)the bear crapped out (sorry, sorry) after about 80 hours of number generating.
        b)dinner was nice. Thanks, you guys!
        c)see youse Thursday.
2. Point the Second
        a)I didn't have one.
        b)or, actually, I forgot and am trying to remember it.
        c)or something.
3. Point the Third.
        b)still nothing.
        c)OK, I give up.
Reposted from another time&place


Haiku for a Monday Morning.  

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

There Can Be Only Bun. Sheesh.
But the strip's been really good lately.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Sherbert: It's done.
I'm altogether too amused by this bear.
It's at 1948759. That's the 145428th prime number, according to the bear. It's been running for right at 48 hours. Hee!
That's what I do when I'm not shifting books.

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

I hope that's prime. It could just be spitting out (ahem) non-primes, and I wouldn't know. I mean, let me think: what are the factors of 922283...
OK, I checked some, and I'm more sure that's prime.
I left the bear running here at work overnight. It's up to just about 73000 prime numbers. The last one was 922283. When it gets up past 100000, I'll probably post again because I'm a geek that way.

Monday, December 01, 2003

It was a calm and rewarding holiday weekend here.
About 8 people were in my house, in total, for Thanksgiving, including three of my coworkers (and one of their sweeties), Toshi and a pair of pleasant and lovely Invisible Citizens. Jon made Jon-Bread, which was soft and fresh and had pine-nuts, which are three really admirable qualities in a bread. There were sodas, and potatoes and wine all around. The whole of my Wednesday Night D&D group were there (all 5 people, although there's this sixth who hasn't played in a while, but isn't quite out. He wasn't there, but he's been busy.)
On Saturday, Sherbert and Pandathan brought over their projector set-up, and we watched The Two Towers Extended Movie Thing on the relatively large screen that is the wall of my living room. I made a lasagne dish that will be better the next time I make it. I'm still learning. I mean, it's not like it's hard to cook lasagna, it's just hard to spell lasagnia the same way twice. Also, I'm making it with several substitutions in the interests of making it taste different. I put in a thick cream bechemel with cheese instead of ricotta, and I like the idea of using crushed (or whole, what the Hell) fire roasted tomatoes instead of a tomato sauce. OK, so it's not really Lasegne, it's just a dish that resembles it closely enough to fool the casual observer. Same thing, yes?
Oh, and The New Heroclix Expansion is out. (Bliss)
That's been my weekend. How 'bout yours? Oh wait, there's no commenting system on here. Ha ha!