Saturday, April 22, 2006

I just finished listening to Anansi Boys (Yes, After Toshi, for them as is counting).
OK, so first, Let me say, the book was

good. Lenny Henry is awesome, and the story moves, despite its large and sprawling nature.

I'm also going to see about getting American Gods on Audiobook, as Toshi thinks she'll be more likely to experience it (even if she doesn't read it) if it's on CD/Audiofiles. I'm a little afraid, though, that part of it is just that I want to listen to Lenny Henry reading for another four or five hours.
So, I can get it if I sign up for Audible dot Com. It looks good, but I can't actually tell if it is.
Anybody know? Anybody still read this thing?

Sunday, April 02, 2006

This is just too great not to link to. They suckered me in, I gotta say.