Monday, March 15, 2004

I've been having a problem with accountability. I feel that if I don't constantly tell myself that everything I do is my fault (which it is), I'll start believing that I can get away with things. This is unhealthy. I also find that, if I don't have that running commentary explaining why everything I do is my fault (which it is. I am responsible for my own actions), I yell a lot at traffic. If I'm thinking, "What can I do to make this situation turn out so that I get what I want," while I drive, I'm a better driver, maybe just because I pay more attention and am aware of my surroundings.
With regards to the previous post, I just have a line from Ghostbusters in my head; it's not a healthy one. I keep thinking, "Humanity is too sick to survive." That's not a good way to think, says me.

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