Monday, November 22, 2004

OK. I'm a little over 35000 words in, and I've got about 9 days left. I can handle this. I've got a grip on it, and it feels like it's going to be finished before I can say "What? I wrote a book?"
My plan right now is to print up several copies of the manuscript and show it around to people to get something resembling opinions on it. I'm enjoying reading the stuff I wrote, which is probably a good sign, right?


mythreefeet said...

You talking about NanoWrimo? or however u spell that lol. I've been curious about that but eh, whenever i start writing I always lose interest within days and give up lol. if that is what your talking about, then good luck :)

Sharon said...

Go, Ben, go! Way to kick that 30,000 threshold in the butt. You're a novelling champ! Go, go, go!

I've got some software that will turn a collection of text (or html, or Word) files into a Microsoft Reader eBook, which is an amusing way to distribute a book. I formatted mine that way, and then read it through on my PDA, and used the Reader notation feature to make edits. The eBook creator software is free, and I think Reader might be, too. We'll tawlk.

After your novel is finished, of course.

MisterNihil said...

Tawk is good.
Atlanti: I'm nanoing for the third year in a row now. The first to years I pretty much crapped out half way though, but I've found that having a definite goal and sticking with it has helped this year. Like anything else, it seems just to be a matter of chugging alone until you're done.
Sharon: That sounds like a good way to spread it around among a small group, which is what I'd like to do once I'm finished with the initial writing. It feels good to me, but that doesn't always mean it actually is good.
Ever'body else: Hi!

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