Tuesday, February 15, 2005

What a week.
We're five performances down, two to go. Recording's done on prelims for the CD of the current show. Half the band is unavailable for next show, so we're gonna start rehearsing early. TechDir is talking about canning most SndFX, which is just a stone's throw away from canning all music, which is a bad, bad idea, at least in my mind. I'm pretty sure we'd lose what little audience we maintain though Feb. if we cut out the only thing that makes the show better than having somebody read to you. I mean, if you don't have live music and sound, then honestly, what's the point?
My compie finally died forever. The motherboard is burnt, at least sez DellCertifiedTypes, which means I can choose to a)pay them close to 1K for the same old one, or b)be kinda sad and get a new one. In about three weeks, the solution should arrive in a big nifty box. I'll keep looking for viable solutions for resurrecting my little Inspiron, but in the meantime I'll go ahead and watch the process as I get a new box.
It's been a good computer. I heartily recommend it. My Dell was a trooper, and I hear that isn't uncommon for the breed. Poor Ratchet will be missed, unless I can find him a less expensive brain, in which case Toshi will have a new Solitaire box. In the meantime, I'm using her Mac. It's... odd. Like wearing somebody else's pants. It isn't alien, exactly, because they're still pants, but it's not right.
Also, her computer is only portable in the way that, say, a small sofa is portable, and I wouldn't envy myself if I were to try to type with it in my lap.
Ahh, hah.
Off I go, then, tomorrow, to wish Kirk a happy Birthday, and to purchase that most important of items, an external USB hard drive for Backing Up Things(tm).

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