Thursday, May 13, 2004

My Brezsny for the week. He says: Give it away, give it away, give it away now.
Cancerian singer George Michael recently announced that he intends to give away his music for free, posting it on the Internet for anyone to download. "I've been very well remunerated for my talents over the years," he told BBC, "so I really don't need the public's money." Given the current astrological omens, dear Crab, it makes perfect sense for you to regard Michael as your role model in the coming week. I urge you to expand your generosity to the next level as you provide free samples of a resource or skill you've been blessed with in abundance.
Maybe if I give away some samples, I'll find a job opening, not-that-I'm-looking-or-anything (unless you know somebody who's hiring...)

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