Sunday, October 24, 2004

OK! Opening weekend happened! Yeah! Um.
We were the predicted 95% technically. Everybody did what they were supposed to. One mic that was supposed to feed back for a moment didn't, but we covered well and nobody knew it was supposed to. It's a good show, if a tad on the long side.
A friend put her finger on the problem I'm having with the show: It needs to end before the finale thingy. There's a monolog, a dialog and another monolog that could be cut, leaving in a great ending dialog (by our fearless director) as a finishing thing. Yeah. There's a bit that I find frankly a little boring, but it's a great show. Now you know.
I am tired.
I helped my friend Dana, who's getting married tomorrow (today. Ick) with a project she's got. She offered to help type out a term paper (for money). I had time, so I did a whole frikkin lot of the typing, but she offered to split the money with me.
This is no way to earn a buck. Maybe it's just the paper (27 pages of ALL CAPS is hard to read, much less hard to type), but my eyes hurt. My back hurts. My arms hurt. My everything is pretty much hurting. I have to drive to Waco tomorrow. I'd grumble, but what's the damn point.
I've signed up for NaNoWriMo again. I just keep getting closer to that goal. maybe this year. I can write a novel and find a job, all in the same month. Hey! Yeah!
I'm so tired and so excited about life.

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