Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Wow! Today was a good day!
The open mic was good: A couple who used to run an open mic at which Flash & I started were there and I didn't let their constant stream of crap bother me. It was fun! They kept kvetching and I kept smiling! Even through a terrible filk! W007!
And then, on top of it all, I got paid! Sure, it's only a stipend (like money, but so little of it they have to have a different name), but the point is, I'm a professional music... organizer.. thingy now!
And, to make things even more so, Adam and Dana are getting married this Sunday by a person whom several of us know and some of us even love! How 'bout them apples.
(Oh: I don't mean me, BTW. I can't legally perform marriages, as I'm not a minister, hint hint)
(and if the hint didn't take, Sherbie, call Meeker 'cuz she'll be in town this weekend to perform an arriage-may for some utual-may iends-fray, nudge nudge)
So, all in all, not a bad day. If I'd found a job, I'd be a proverbial pig in proverbial "mud-by-which-I-mean-shit." Now, where's that pesky portfolio of mine? I heard the Statesman is hiring editors...

1 comment:

MisterNihil said...

I should point out: when I say "neverending stream of crap," I'm not talking about their music. The music's good. They play well, they're just the kind of people who, as I said, kvetch loud and often about every-damn-thing.
I should also say that I have not and will not every refer to music played by people at my open-mics as "crap," nor any such pejorative. I like the music that people play. I like to listen to it. I hope I didn't convey any kind of message to the contrary. The fact is, I support anybody who has the courage to stand up and make a musical noise, and also those who don't have the courage to do so, but make the noise anyway. I just think it's great that us bunch'a monkeys (monkeys are funny?) learned to make standardized noise. Beyond that, it's all gravy.