Monday, September 29, 2003

It looks real. It smells real. If it's fake, it's a damn good fake. Somebody went to the trouble not only of not printing the BBC logo as the primary distributor (it doesn't happen. This is America.) but of figuring out that it goes through A&E, not Warner. For all intents and purposes, I have no reason to suspect that my copy of NeverWhere is a fake, stealing money from Gaiman and food from his kids. Hell, if it's a fake, they went to the trouble of fooling Amazon, and if the bootleggers went to that much trouble, I'm willing to pretend that they're not bootleggers. Until Gaiman says otherwise. Of course the DVD also features his commentary and an interview with him, so they're pretty thorough. Maybe they fooled him, too.
But, no, the point is, NeverWhere is available in this country on DVD. I am inconsolably happy.

Added later: Not for nothin': I didn't buy my copy at Amazon. I picked it up at a local scuzzy store, which I love to frequent.

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