Monday, January 19, 2004

It's enough to make you spit, I'll tell you, the whole Gay Marriage Thing.
On the one hand, the point is that it isn't traditional. Neither is waiting until a woman's older than 12 to get married. Neither is giving her rights. Neither is assuming that non-white people are actually human. Hell, if you go back far enough, marriage isn't traditional: it's a new-fangled idea put forth by those freakish people with thumbs and little foreheads. Actually, when there was a difference between the thumbites and the non-thumbites, marriage was a dim thing of the future and hadn't yet grown out of the harem philosophy espoused by so much of nature.
On the other, marriage is about procreation, right? That's why we enforce divorce or euthanasia when a couple don't start popping out babies? That's why we make couples sign an agreement that the woman will be pregnant within a year after marriage?
I don't know. Maybe there isn't a point that will convince me that homosexuals shouldn't be allowed the protection of the law for their unions. Maybe there is, and I haven't heard it yet. I'd say the jury's still out, but nobody's made a good point to me either way yet.

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