Thursday, August 12, 2004

"No, Resplendant Moron!" The robot ran back and forth in front of the orderphone at the Tastee Freeze. "I have Washers in My Pants!"
"hrrzzzzle ggghhrzzzzzrl zzzzzszaaawwwzsszzrrr?" asked the order machine.
"No Defenseless Badger on my watch! Resplendant Moron! I have Washers in my Pants!"
"hzzzzzzssss srrrrawwwwwszzzlllrrr?"
The robot stopped dead for two seconds, then started moving quickly, making jerking its tiny, T-Rex arms back and forth. "NO! RES. PLEND. ANT. MOR. ON. I. HAVE. WASH. ERS. IN. MY. PANTS!"
There was a long pause, then the order phone answered, "rzzzfzzpzz mrrrmmm zzzzzz spzzzzrzzzrzzzzzzzmzzzzppzzzz?"
"Thank you, please drive up! The grass is always greener on The Other Side! Death! Death!" The robot rolled up to the window, cash in one hand, pistol in the other.

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