Tuesday, April 06, 2004

From the Saxon Bible, a sort of interpretation of biblical texts into Saxon for conversion purposes. If you scroll down near the bottom to the "Christ & Satan," it gets pretty interesting. According to this one, all the angels went to hell.
It also actually says Satan's not confined to Hell, but walks around. The version of the bible I was raised on is never quite clear on that point. It goes into this whole "cast down into a lake of fire" thing, and "tormented eternally in Hell" thing, and then out the other side of its mouth talks about the "adversary" who walks the earth, tempting man. I now sort of figure that to be symbolism about the heart of man containing animal urges and not a literal demonic presence, 'cause if God casts somebody into Hell, one would imagine they stay cast in Hell. This is a puzzlement to me, 'cause the most common Christian dogma includes a line approximating "The Devil's greatest victory was convincing mankind he did not exist," which is a clever way of saying "don't ask so many questions, boy." Puzzlement.

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