Monday, April 26, 2004

Man. My experience with Bank of America has firmly lead me to believe that they really don't give a flaming poop about stolen credit card numbers. They don't report the thefts to police. They don't care if the thief gives addresses in conjunction with the order. They don't even seem to care that I've so far had orders taken on 5 stolen cards from their bank, which I reported to them. They contact the card holder. That's the sum total of their action taken. Oh well, I guess. They don't even know what to do with the information. They told me not to call anybody here, and that they didn't care if I did, because (and I quote) "the action was on a credit attempt that was, we have to contact the card holder, and the action was on an attempted, we have to ask the card holder if that name was, and the address, if you contact your local authorities, we can take the action here." That's what the lady on the phone told me. If you can decode it, let me know.
Then I called the APD Financial Crimes office. The phone rang for two minutes before I got sick of sitting there, and that was after navigating their voicemail system. Why is it so hard to report stolen credit cards to people who give a shit? Are there any? Is it really just the cynical reason that comes to mind: they make more money if people have to pay for $5000 of books that they wouldn't normally have ordered? It makes a fella wanna move to an island and live on shellfish and sand.

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